Survey for Advertisers

Medelia, Inc. is asking marketing and advertising decision makers ( our readers ) to provide honest and anonymous feedback about key print publishing companies in relation to the women’s market. Please complete the following six-question survey and forward the link to your colleagues.           Thank you for your participation!

Don’t Let Culture Vultures Get You or Your Brand Down

By Kaira Sturdivant Rouda At some point or another, you will encounter human roadblocks I call culture vultures. You know who I’m talking about—the non-team players, the ones who lay down the sandbags for roadblocks, challenge change agents, and can’t think out of the box. Or, you might be one of these people (I truly […]

The ConsumHERist – Doing What Comes Naturally

By Delia Passi Before I get started, I want to ask a favor – that you will take 2 quick minutes to particiapte in a survey. Click on the link to particiapte. Thanks in advance for your support! I came across an article on about “what research really says about gender and babies,” […]

Purse Strings: Knowing your Target Customer

[HTML1] Catrina McAuliffe, brand planner, talks the importance of really knowing your target customer, plus she shares insight on what goes into excellent consumer insight; and how companies can leverage that information to elevate awareness, drive trial and recommendation of their products and services.

Betting On A Little Luxury In A Bad Economy

Amidst all the scaling back of late, two big-deal companies are placing bets that consumers want some luxury – on small items and at pared-down prices. CVS recently announced that it would test a high-end beauty shop, called “Beauty 360,” next to some of its drugstores. The stores are set to carry luxury skin care, […]

Granular “Micro-Precincts” And The Marketer

by Andrea Learned Whether you are a Gen X, businessman, parent of two grade school kids or a single, female, dog-loving Boomer, you’ve likely come across an ad that was targeted directly at you but completely missed the mark. How does that happen? Marketers will always fail when they work from a blanket-style hope that […]

Real You: Here We Go Again . . . Honey, Clothes Make the Girl

By Kaira Sturdivant Rouda For those of you who are moms—and for those of you marketing to moms—it’s that special time of year where our summer schedules are ripped to shreds and we gear up for the BIG CHANGE. School. While some moms celebrate, like the fellow football mom on the sidelines last night who […]

Want a Brand Conversation? First Listen

Brands need to listen before they speak if they want to spark sustainable conversations with consumers — and leverage the exchange for all its worth. As in any conversation, when we talk we’re only repeating what we already know. When we listen, we’re learning. When brands listen to consumers before beginning to talk to them […]

The ConsumHERist – Avoiding Sports Analogies

By Delia Passi This is one subject I’d like to knock out of the park. If I take the ball and run with it, I can sink a three pointer and cross the finish line. Men, I know that sports are often a great metaphor for life and that many sports analogies work really well […]

Advertisers Reach Women Through Social Media

by Holly Buchanan Where are all the women at? This question has been asked for centuries by men. Now it’s being asked more and more by advertisers.The answer? The Internet.The Internet is proving to be the next great medium for advertisers trying to reach women. Websites targeting women are hot commodities, as are blogs and […]

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