Update on Marriott and Rape Case
Marriott’s PR efforts took a step in the right direction last week after the uproar over the case of a woman who was raped in the parking lot of a Marriott Hotel in Stamford, CT.
Marriott Blames Rape Victim
By Holly Buchanan I don’t know if all the facts are out yet, but it doesn’t look good for Marriott. A woman was raped at gunpoint in the parking lot of the Marriott Hotel in Stamford, CT. The woman filed a lawsuit claiming the hotel failed to prevent the 2006 attack. It was the lawyers handling […]
Effective Cause Marketing
When is cause marketing most effective? When it is tangible. When you get to see the results of your contribution.
Kellogg Uses Facebook to Help Feed the Hungry
A lot of folks are walking around saying “I understand that social media is important, but does it really work? Is creating a fan page on Facebook really going to make a difference?”
In the case of Kellogg, the answer is a resounding “Yes.”
Ally Bank’s Winning Strategy – Disappoint Kids
I’ll give Ally Bank this, they got my attention with their new TV ads. Being mean to kids definitely got an emotional reaction out of me.
Do Men and Women Have Different Design Preferences?
Whenever I’m in a meeting about website design, I hear terms like “good design,” “bad design,” “professional design,” “unprofessional design.” It always makes me ask the question – how do you know?
In my marketing to women online research, it’s been hard to find credible research on what website designs appeal to men and to women. I have three big questions:
Are Down Economy Commercials Getting You Down?
Over the last few months we’ve been bombarded with messages like “America Needs a Comeback!” “If you lose your job, we’ll make your payments for you” “In times like these”…..are these messages effective right now?
Men Are from “Mars”, Women Are From “Hershey”
by Holly Buchanan It has been suggested that men and women are from different planets. Well, from the research I’ve done over the past four years, I can vouch for the fact that we sometimes speak different languages. Women and men often have a different communication style, using different words. Some words and phrases favored […]
What Marketers Can Learn From “25 Random Things”
If you’re on Facebook, you’ve heard of “25 Random Things About Me.” The idea is, you write down 25 things about yourself people may or may not know, then you tag other friends so they can see what you wrote, and write their own list to share with you and their other friends. I have […]
Social Networking – Can You Combine Professional and Personal?
A friend of mine who had a Facebook page during her school years recently put up a new page to handle her professional life. Natalie Hart at FutureNow shared her dilemma of whether she should separate her personal and professional Facebook life. This week I created a new Facebook account. Having made my original Facebook account […]
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