Decision Day for LeBron

By Dr. Robert Passikoff LeBron James will end an unprecedented free-agent frenzy tonight by revealing whether he will remain with the Cleveland Cavaliers or sign elsewhere. James will announce his future NBA plans during a one-hour special on ESPN at 9PM, Thursday. Proceeds for sponsorship for the special will be going to the Boys and […]

Accomplish Insightful Research in a Cash-Strapped Economy – PurseStrings – Tuesday 3pm EST right here!

Tuesday on PurseStrings, I’ll speak with Tom Anderson – Founder and Managing Partner, Anderson Anayltics. Tom has worked on product and market development projects across several countries and industries including financial services, telecommunications, packaged goods, and travel & entertainment. Tom provides hands-on personalized consultation, high-level advanced statistical and qualitative analysis, and actionable advice to Anderson […]

PurseStrings 100th Show – “Best Of PurseStrings” – Tuesday LIVE 3pm EST – right here

Thanks for listening, if you missed the show, the Podcast will be posted soon. Congratulations to Maria Reitan on her 100th PurseStrings show! Our readers and listeners love the show which we air every week at 3pm EST right from our site. Maria has interviewed many of our featured contributors, from Andrea Learned & Holly […]

Surveying Women’s Purchasing Styles – on Purse Strings

On June 2nd, Aliza Freud, founder and CEO of SheSpeaks shares the results of the latest SheSpeaks survey on women’s purchasing styles with on PurseStrings with Maria Reitan.

Close Up – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi I recently read about a research finding that demonstrated conclusively that “wimps hear dangerous noises differently.”  After wondering why anyone felt compelled to research this kind of thing, I pondered whether I could apply this information to selling to women. After all, women are generally the more delicate (i.e. smaller) gender and […]

The Right Touch – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi A report on the website discusses the findings of a study that will soon appear in the Journal of Consumer Research, entitled The Effect of Mere Touch on Perceived Ownership, by Joann Peck and Suzanne B. Shu. In brief, the study reveals what is probably well known, but perhaps not proven, […]

Johnson’s® Launches New Product Online – for a Cause

By MaryLou Roberts Yesterday I posted in DIYMarketing on the theme of corporations doing well by doing good. A recent article in Ad Age (subscription required) highlights yet another example that takes a more controlled, corporate-focused tack, but still engages in cause marketing. I wanted to share this with ReachingWomenDaily. Johnson’s® adult body care line […]

Cyclical Sales – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi Once again I have dug up (Digg’d?) an interesting research revelation about women and shopping.  According to a study done in England (they always seem to do the most interesting studies), “Women’s shopping habits are linked to their menstrual cycles…”  Here’s the bulk of the article: In the ten days before their […]

The Oldest Trick in the Book – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi I’d like to see this cartoon on the desk of every salesperson, every service representative and every business professional on the planet, just so they get a frequent reminder of the most important consideration to remember when dealing with women.  If anyone who heard me speak or completed the WomenCertified program remembered […]

Many Retailers Left at Altar as the Economy Slows Cupid

by Robert Passikoff Brand Keys Valentine’s Day Index Down 15 Percent Valentine’s Day will be the first major holiday of 2009 to feel the economic pinch. This year the average price consumers placed on love is $108.00, down 15% from last year. For our bi-annual Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, we asked 1,200 men and 1,200 […]

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