MEN SHOP TOO: How To Market To Men
By Bob Deutsch Men are, well, men. They live in the ‘now.’ They are concrete thinkers that like to consummate, finish. A male axiom is “complete what you set out to do.” Men are interested in power and in looking good, even more than being good. In short, that’s the nature of beauty for the […]
How to Catch a Man – Men’s Grooming Market Set to Explode
Experts predict a surge in the men’s grooming market – just as they’ve been doing for the past decade. The men’s grooming market is only about one-fifth the size of the women’s market, according to Euromonitor. But if the men’s market is so dramatically underdeveloped, why has the oft-predicted explosion failed to materialize? Why is it so hard for men’s grooming brands to catch a man?
Close Up – The ConsumHERist
by Delia Passi I recently read about a research finding that demonstrated conclusively that “wimps hear dangerous noises differently.” After wondering why anyone felt compelled to research this kind of thing, I pondered whether I could apply this information to selling to women. After all, women are generally the more delicate (i.e. smaller) gender and […]
Shopping Role Reversal Wrap Up – The ConsumHERist
The following is the last in a series of blog entries I did with my comedy writing husband for the Readers Digest website on differences in the ways men and women holiday shop. The differing attitudes of men and women with regard to shopping are certainly real. They may not be as dramatic, or humorous, […]
Shopping Role Reversal (Part 2) – The ConsumHERist
This is a continuation of last week’s Men Buy, Women Shop blog, which appeared in the Readers Digest website following Black Friday. When we left Mark and Maria, he had related his tale of triumph in finding a gaming system for son Matt. It was a fairly easy acquisition because he knew exactly what he […]
Men Buy, Women Shop – The ConsumHERist
by Delia Passi, with Greg Smalter The following entry consists of the first three of seven contributions written by myself and my husband for Readers Digest website, appearing last week. We’ve left out some tips which can be found at their site. Mark and Maria (not their real names – their real names are Bud […]
Ho-Ho-Holiday Shopping
by Delia Passi According to a recent survey by The Consumer Reports National Research Center there are big differences between men and women when it comes to holiday shopping. If I may be so bold…Duh! Have you been to the mall lately? Of the men you see there, many are on leashes. Here are a […]
The ConsumHERist – What’s New?
by Delia Passi A young lady I know recently went through a traumatic and tragic life event, which pulled her from her new and exciting college life and thrust her into the role of head of household almost overnight. She went from worrying about making it to class on time and making good grades to […]
Gender Specific Traits Affect Web Usage, Fact or Fiction?
By Tom Polanski, Vice President/Co-founder, eBrand Media & eBrand Interactive I spent part of the afternoon in our library and came across an article, based on PEW studies, regarding differences in the way that gender searches. All of it is pretty obvious. It’s not rocket science. Gender traits, many of them seemingly stereotypical, carry over to […]
Automatic Triggers, Fixed Action Patterns and Odd Number Pricing. Turning Browsers into Buyers
by Tom Polanski Recently, I came across some information about pricing. Researchers at Cornell University believe you’re better off pricing your products with an odd number than with an even number (for example, $39.71 vs. $40.00). The researchers found that odd numbers cause buyers momentary confusion. Confused, people fall back on associations. And people associate […]
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