How to Create Commercials Women Love
By Holly Buchanan Every once in a while, a commercial comes along that totally connects with its female audience. Unfortunately, those commercials are rare. And there’s really no excuse for that. If you want to create a commercial that women will relate and respond to, all you have to do is hang around with women […]
What Marketers Can Learn From “25 Random Things”
If you’re on Facebook, you’ve heard of “25 Random Things About Me.” The idea is, you write down 25 things about yourself people may or may not know, then you tag other friends so they can see what you wrote, and write their own list to share with you and their other friends. I have […]
Finally, An Honest Weight Loss Ad
I have to tell you, one of the worst things about being a woman is that you are constantly surrounded by weight loss ads. Seriously – guys – are 90% of your Facebook page ads for some sort of weight-loss or beauty treatment? (Yeah, I know, you’ve got all those ED ads, but trust me, […]
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