Gail Evans on Women in the Workplace – Purse Strings 3pm EST – right here
Gail Evans is the best selling author of “Play Like A Man Win Like A Woman” and “She Wins, You Win.” Evans’ career is vast, beginning in government and culminating as the Executive Vice President of CNN. Evans began working with CNN at its inception in 1980 and was promoted to Executive Vice President for […]
NBC Universal – on Target Programming for Women – PurseStrings @3pm EST – right here
Tuesday on PurseStrings, I’ll be speaking with Maryam Banikarim, senior VP of NBC Universal Integrated Marketing, the group that spearheads targeted cross-platform media initiatives. She’ll share what exciting things NBC Universal is doing to connect with women and ensure their programming is on target.
Talking to the Boomer Women about Sex …
…. means realizing she isn’t old By Stephen Reily The internet is full of double standards, but few are so glaring as that way it handles sex. At we regularly generate surveys, host conversations, and publish digital content about sexual health and the real sex lives led by Baby Boomer women. But no one […]
Vibrant Nation – Boomer Women – PurseStrings – 11/23 3pm EST – right here
Tuesday on PurseStrings, I’ll be speaking with Stephen Reiley of Vibrant Nation – we’ll talk about the boomer woman and how marketers are missing the mark on her. Maria
WHEN I’M SIXTY-FIVE: How To Market To Boomers
Dr. Bob Deutsch, Brain Sells, Boston The first Baby Boomers will turn 65 in 2011. In the US alone, more than 3.5 million babies were born in 1946. Volumes have been written about the Vietnam-era proclivities and behaviors of this post-WWII cohort. In contrast, our conception of Seniors – what Boomers soon will be – […]
OMG! Over Forty and Still Fashionable
By Holly Buchanan I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a bold statement. Most women over 40 enjoy wearing stylish clothes that make them look and feel good. And they’re willing to spend good money to do it. OMG – Get out! What could cause me to spout such blasphemy? It’s the […]
Starting Over at 50 in Beauty
In these precarious economic times, starting over at 50 brings to mind lost jobs, lost homes and broken nest eggs. When it comes to women and beauty, however, starting over at 50 means something altogether different. It means starting over with many aspects of their personal care routine and learning how to care for a body, hair, skin and face that are undergoing fundamental physical transformation – whether it’s hormonal, cellular or even plastic.
Boomers: The Middle Frontier
What happened at Woodstock simply has limited relevance to what they are facing today.
Marketers tend to make two mistakes in targeting boomers. They either treat them like they are aged versions of their youth, or lump them in as “seniors” with everyone over 45 or 50, failing to understand that Midlife is a distinct life stage, unlike youth or old age, with its own rites of passage and turning points.
Boomers are Big Spenders … In Restaurants
By Marti Barletta It seems that Boomers spend more per person on restaurant meals ($1,077 each) than than any other age group according to the National Restaurant Association. Given their busy schedules and high incomes that shouldn’t be too surprising. It seems that they are also the most quality-minded, least value conscious and most interested […]
Why Boomers are the Greenest Generation
By Marti Barletta You may think that Boomers “buy green” because they are “older shoppers” who are spending more time in the store, looking at packaging and reading product claims, which suggests you think of Boomers as retired people who have plenty of leisure time and nothing better to do than read that oh-so-fascinating package […]
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