GM vs. Ford – Who Wins with Women?
By Holly Buchanan Two auto ads caught my attention recently; one from Ford, the other from GM. Here’s why Ford came out the clear winner in marketing to women. Here’s the Ford TV ad featuring Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe. He’s talking about the Cash for Clunkers program. In this ad Mike sounds almost…well….credible. Is it […]
Program Ads Don’t Stick – The ConsumHERist
by Delia Passi Why advertise when 91% of women say that advertising does not resonate with them? Or that 70% of women multi-task during commercials? Or that women TiVo their way to stretching their precious down time? You get the picture? The commercial is out and “engagement” is in. That’s why I’m a big believer […]
Surveying Women’s Purchasing Styles – on Purse Strings
On June 2nd, Aliza Freud, founder and CEO of SheSpeaks shares the results of the latest SheSpeaks survey on women’s purchasing styles with on PurseStrings with Maria Reitan.
Here Comes the New ‘Mom-acracy’
By Greg Furman, Founder/Chairman of The Luxury Marketing Council America is Quickly Moving to a New “Momacracy” A telephone survey of 100 CEO Luxury Marketing Council members and, separately, a spring survey by PR firm Fleishman-Hillard, strongly suggest that America is moving to a New Matriarchy. Women in the luxury arena in the last 15 […]
Where Gamma Women Go in 2009 – PurseStrings
Nancy Weber, CMO of Meredith, will share where Gamma Women are going in 2009. You may recall last fall, Lisa Johnson– founder and CEO of The Reach Group was here to tell us about these women – the result of a study she conducted with Lisa Finn and Meredith Corp. Gamma’s are taking a new […]
Liberty Mutual – Doing the Right Thing?
By Holly Buchanan Let me ask you a question – if you are a big name insurance company, do you want people coming to your website and duking it out with personal opinions about Octomom, teen pregnancy, spying on your kids and whether your school should be allowed to put on a production of the musical […]
Starting Over at 50 in Beauty
In these precarious economic times, starting over at 50 brings to mind lost jobs, lost homes and broken nest eggs. When it comes to women and beauty, however, starting over at 50 means something altogether different. It means starting over with many aspects of their personal care routine and learning how to care for a body, hair, skin and face that are undergoing fundamental physical transformation – whether it’s hormonal, cellular or even plastic.
Johnson’s® Launches New Product Online – for a Cause
By MaryLou Roberts Yesterday I posted in DIYMarketing on the theme of corporations doing well by doing good. A recent article in Ad Age (subscription required) highlights yet another example that takes a more controlled, corporate-focused tack, but still engages in cause marketing. I wanted to share this with ReachingWomenDaily. Johnson’s® adult body care line […]
Why You Need Women On Your Creative Team
By Holy Buchanan Ok, it’s a stat that’s been beaten to death, but women make or influence 80% of all purchases. Here’s why I’m trotting it out one more time – women are the majority of purchasers of most products, so your advertising needs to resonate with them. One of the top reasons why advertising […]
How to Create Commercials Women Love
By Holly Buchanan Every once in a while, a commercial comes along that totally connects with its female audience. Unfortunately, those commercials are rare. And there’s really no excuse for that. If you want to create a commercial that women will relate and respond to, all you have to do is hang around with women […]
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