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Channel V Media – on Purse Strings today 3pm EST – tune in

Posted on | December 4, 2012 | No Comments

Reaching Women Daily Update: We are working with several new companies who empower women to grow their business. Please check out their website here To get more information about their business.

Today on PurseStrings, I”ll be speaking with Gretel Going — Gretel co-founded Channel V Media in 2008 with the goal of building a company that thrives on change, offers multiple solutions to any single problem, and takes advantage of all communication and technology channels to extend the reach of compelling information. She now leads Channel V Media’s continual evolution and growth initiatives. When not lighting fires and experimenting with new tactics, Gretel oversees lead-generation, mobile, website, and content strategies for CVM’s b2b and b2c clients.

We’ll be talking about integrated marketing to reach women.

– Maria Reitan


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