Gail Evans on Women in the Workplace – Purse Strings 3pm EST – right here
Posted on | December 6, 2011 | No Comments
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Gail Evans is the best selling author of “Play Like A Man Win Like A Woman” and “She Wins, You Win.”
Evans’ career is vast, beginning in government and culminating as the Executive Vice President of CNN. Evans began working with CNN at its inception in 1980 and was promoted to Executive Vice President for CNN in 1996. In September 2000, Evans was named to Executive Vice President of Domestic Networks for the CNN Newsgroup. Evans retired from CNN in the summer of 2001.
Evans worked at the White House in the Office of the Special Counsel to the President during the Lyndon B. Johnson Administration and was instrumental in the creation of the president’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and the 1966 Civil Rights Act. Evans was appointed by President Clinton to the Commission on White House Fellows.
We will discuss women in the workplace challenges and potential solutions.
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