War in the Boardroom – Purse Strings, 10/5 at 3pm EST – right here!
Posted on | September 30, 2010 | No Comments
Reaching Women Information For the past several months we have been enhancing our offerings to our readers and working with small business services who can help women entrepreneurs through processing or funding opportunities. we suggest you go to this link to get more information on how this company can grow your business.
Next Tuesday’s, I’ll be speaking with Laura Ries, president of marketing consultancy Reis and Reis and co-author of “War in the Boardroom: Why left-brain management and right-brain marketing don’t see eye to eye and what to do about it.”
Laura and her father, Al, tackled the differences between the approach and thinking style of marketing people and the managers that make marketing decisions. Is there a “right way”… we’ll talk about it on PurseStrings.
– Maria Reitan
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