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Are Down Economy Commercials Getting You Down?

Posted on | May 20, 2009 | No Comments

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By Holly Buchanan
Over the last few months we’ve been bombarded with messages like “America Needs a Comeback!” “If you lose your job, we’ll make your payments for you”  “In times like these”…..are these messages effective right now?

In a recent article in Retail Touch Points, Melissa Read Ph.D. of Engauge has some interesting insight on this subject:

“At this point, the message about our failing economy has been over-communicated. Customers are overexposed to it. Brands are supposed to help us escape the issues of daily life. Not remind us of them. When a brand tells you that you ‘need your own stimulus plan’ or that you need to ‘invest in yourself’ you are just reminded of the harsh realities of life today. You are reminded to spend less. If you want to help your customers get over the economy, you need to get over it too. What happened to making people feel like they have to have our products, whether they have the money or not?  The best brands show people how their products are relevant to their lives and are essential no matter how much we have to spend.”

What emotional state are your commercials inspiring in your customers?  Kate Newlin touched on a similar subject in her recent post about marketers who are relying on discounting.   

We all need to take a look at what’s connecting and resonating with consumers right now.  When surveyed, people will always say they buy because of price.  But there’s almost always a deeper emotional reason. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m a big fan of incentives.  But they’re most effective when combined with a persuasive brand message – preferably one that doesn’t remind me I could unexpectedly lose my job.


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