Here Comes the New ‘Mom-acracy’
By Greg Furman, Founder/Chairman of The Luxury Marketing Council America is Quickly Moving to a New “Momacracy” A telephone survey of 100 CEO Luxury Marketing Council members and, separately, a spring survey by PR firm Fleishman-Hillard, strongly suggest that America is moving to a New Matriarchy. Women in the luxury arena in the last 15 […]
Engaging Women with Twitter – Purse Strings
Jillian McDowell, social media specialist at Carmichael Lynch Spong, will be sharing her insight into Twitter as a way to engage women and how to do so successfully, avoiding the Motrin Mom debacle from last year. Missed the show – click on the podcast in our Purse Strings widget – right under Recent Posts on […]
OMG! Over Forty and Still Fashionable
By Holly Buchanan I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a bold statement. Most women over 40 enjoy wearing stylish clothes that make them look and feel good. And they’re willing to spend good money to do it. OMG – Get out! What could cause me to spout such blasphemy? It’s the […]
Close Up – The ConsumHERist
by Delia Passi I recently read about a research finding that demonstrated conclusively that “wimps hear dangerous noises differently.” After wondering why anyone felt compelled to research this kind of thing, I pondered whether I could apply this information to selling to women. After all, women are generally the more delicate (i.e. smaller) gender and […]
Are Down Economy Commercials Getting You Down?
Over the last few months we’ve been bombarded with messages like “America Needs a Comeback!” “If you lose your job, we’ll make your payments for you” “In times like these”…..are these messages effective right now?
Andrea Learned – Today on Purse Strings – 3pm EST right here!
Joining me today is Andrea Learned – Author, blogger, speaker and marketing expert. Andrea is the co-author of “Don’t Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy — and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market” We’ll be talking about shifting from women “overdrive” into gender neutral. What does that mean and why your company should consider it.
Andrea Learned – Tuesday on Purse Strings – 3pm EST right here!
For tomorrow’s show, I’ll be interviewing Andrea Learned – Author, blogger, speaker and marketing expert. Andrea is the co-author of “Don’t Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy — and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market” We’ll be talking about shifting from women “overdrive” into gender neutral. What does that mean and […]
Are You In Touch with Your “Inner Consumer”?
By Kate Newlin If we can believe even a bit of the emerging consensus about the emotional/familial/ecological benefits of the economic downturn, then we must come to believe that brands will grow as they reconnect to consumers who have developed a profoundly altered relationship to getting and spending. There’s a rich vein to be mined […]
Reaching Niche Audiences: Pushing the Message
by Mary Lou Roberts Marketers need to achieve significant reach among desirable niche audiences to acquire new customers. That’s how I’m loosely using the term ‘push’– to get the message out and to use the responses for traditional CRM or community-building. Advertising networks are available for that purpose, and today verticals have taken center stage. […]
Reaching Niche Audiences: Consumer Pull
By Mary Lou Roberts The numbers I quoted in part 1 of this series paint a fascinating picture of young mothers connected to one another by technology and common interests. We ended on the question, “How do marketers reach them?” Reaching targeted audiences, on and off the web, becomes a more significant issue every day. […]
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