What Marketers Can Learn From “25 Random Things”

If you’re on Facebook, you’ve heard of “25 Random Things About Me.”   The idea is, you write down 25 things about yourself people may or may not know, then you tag other friends so they can see what you wrote, and write their own list to share with you and their other friends. I have […]

Omega Women shop Best Buy – Tuesday’s Purse Strings – 3pm EST – HERE LIVE

Did you miss our show today? We will have a podcast up soon, stay tuned! Tuesday on Purse Strings, my guest will be Julie St. Marie of Best Buy. We’ll be taking a deep dive into one of the company’s most successful stores – it just opened late last year in Colorado and the concept […]

Real You: The Power of Color

     Branding, at its best, is simple, clear, consistent and touches all the senses. And one of the greatest methods of conveying your brand is to grab a color and stick with it. It works. Especially when you’d like to rally a large group, the largest demographic in our country – women – behind a cause. […]

Walking the Talk – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi If you are going to preach, as I do, about communicating effectively to women, then you have to be prepared to practice what you preach. And sometimes it isn’t so easy, especially when there’s a personal involvement. I am the mother of three young ladies, ages 25, 24 and 21, and the […]

Many Retailers Left at Altar as the Economy Slows Cupid

by Robert Passikoff Brand Keys Valentine’s Day Index Down 15 Percent Valentine’s Day will be the first major holiday of 2009 to feel the economic pinch. This year the average price consumers placed on love is $108.00, down 15% from last year. For our bi-annual Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, we asked 1,200 men and 1,200 […]

GENERATION G – Generosity vs. Greed – Today on Purse Strings HERE LIVE 3pm EST

My guest today was Jody Turner, Founder of CultureofFuture.com. Jody is a cultural trend anthropologist who just has co-contributed to the recent trendwatching.com briefing on GENERATION G – The Generosity vs. Greed. We’ll be discussing the different approaches each generation takes when it comes to generosity. – if you missed our live broadcast, stay tuned […]

Boomers are Big Spenders … In Restaurants

By Marti Barletta It seems that Boomers spend more per person on restaurant meals ($1,077 each) than than any other age group according to the National Restaurant Association.  Given their busy schedules and high incomes that shouldn’t be too surprising. It seems that they are also the most quality-minded, least value conscious and most interested […]

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