Real You: Women with kids are spending more on Valentine’s Day than $123
Posted on | February 13, 2009 | No Comments
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You knew I had to write about Valentine’s Day today, right? Ahh, the day for cards, flowers and romantic love. The thing is, consumer-spending wise, it’s still a common misperception that men are doing the purchasing as women sit at home and wait for bon bons and roses. Sure, some of us do wait at home and hope for a token d’amour, but others, most of us in fact, are scampering around like crazy women making sure everybody else’s Valentine’s Day is as happy as possible. We’re taking care of our tribes, as Seth Godin would say. Taking care of our family culture. Not for fame or fortune, but because it’s a matter of the heart.
Sure, the National Retail Federation released a study this week touting the cost of Valentine’s Day is up from average spending of $122.98 this year, up from $119.67 last year. Most of this spending, the study says, is for spouses or significant others. And the study reports men outspend women on gifts and cards, $163 for men to $84 for women. Ok, but that’s probably because if you’re a mom, with kids, you’ve spent it all on them.
Case in point. My friend Melanie* (name changed to protect her guilt-ridden, multi-tasking identity). Mom of three, public relations professional, wife of busy executive. Realized Valentine’s Day was to be celebrated today at two youngest’s elementary schools when she was forced to go buy during lunch yesterday:
1. two pairs of shoes (sale, DSW) to create decorated boxes to receive said Valentines;
2. Valentines, construction paper, napkins and plates promised for 3rd grade party and cookies for the fifth grade class at Target;
3. card for husband, while realizing there was no time to mail card to her mother, while picking up medicine at pharmacy for oldest child who was home sick. In addition to a card for her husband, while waiting at pharmacy, received text from sick middle school child asking her to pick up a stuffed animal for his girlfriend.
Total Valentine’s expenditures for her tribe during lunch break: $187.52
Last night, Melanie decorated the two shoeboxes, addressed Valentines, helped her daughter find a red sweater to wear today and fell into bed dreaming not of bon bons or roses, but of a holiday-free month. She awoke this morning realizing no such month existed, hoping her husband brings her a gift certificate for a long, quiet massage.
Kaira Sturdivant Rouda hopes you have a peaceful Valentine’s Day, and that you have a little time for romance along the way, too!
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