Why Boomers are the Greenest Generation

By Marti Barletta You may think that Boomers “buy green” because they are “older shoppers” who are spending more time in the store, looking at packaging and reading product claims, which suggests you think of Boomers as retired people who have plenty of leisure time and nothing better to do than read that oh-so-fascinating package […]

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi Yesterday, the Gallop organization released a poll on the change in American adult Internet usage in the past year.  Most of the results seem intuitive or unremarkable.  Frequent usage, defined as over an hour online per day, rose by five percentage points from 43% to 48%.  That’s not surprising given the increasing […]

Finally, An Honest Weight Loss Ad

I have to tell you, one of the worst things about being a woman is that you are constantly surrounded by weight loss ads.   Seriously – guys – are 90% of your Facebook page ads for some sort of weight-loss or beauty treatment?   (Yeah, I know, you’ve got all those ED ads, but trust me, […]

Connecting with Moms through Reality Programming – PurseStrings – LIVE – 3pm EST

On the January 13 edition of PurseStrings, Maria speaks with Hannah Keeley, the host of new PBS reality show “Hannah, Help Me!”  Why is reality programming such a strong marketing tool and how can companies tap into the reality feel to connect with moms? missed the show? podcast soon

Moms are Rating Everything. . .Well, Sort of!

by Dr. Mary Lou Roberts The Wall Street Journal just publicized a study of what researchers Penn, Schoen and Berland call the “New Information Shoppers.” It’s not surprising to those of us who’ve followed research on the growing importance of consumer ratings/reviews,  but it does indicate that the trend continues. It reminded me of a […]

Real You: Don’t forget to de-stress your marketing messages

By Kaira Sturdivant Rouda      I love the DailyOm enewsletter and look forward to its arrival in my inbox. Isn’t that something? An email you look forward to receiving? In fact, I gave the DailyOm Book: Inspirational thoughts for a Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling Day by Madisyn Taylor to several of my friends for a gift over […]

Morning TV Survey Results – The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi We recently surveyed the thousands of women in our MedeliaMonitor database on their TV morning show habits and opinions. 271 women responded, providing an interesting insight into what drives women to watch those perky morning hosts. 72% told us that they do watch morning shows, regardless of whether they are in the […]

Muse Communications’ “The Best (and Worst) of 2008”

by P. Stockinger I recently received a link to a newsletter from Courtney Davis at Muse Communications in Belgium (small country, big ideas). Courtney is a member of the Marketing To Women Network Group on LinkedIn, which if you are involved in marketing to women, I urge you to join. Muse surveyed marketers for their […]

The Woman Traveler – PurseStrings Tuesday’s – 3pm EST – LIVE

by Maria Reitan Today, I have Betsy O’Rourke on the program. Betsy is VP of Communications and Marketing at Wyndham Worldwide. We are talking about how Wyndham has focused very successfully on the woman traveler (both business and leisure) – including unique programs that cater just to women.

Couples Can Be Cliché — Boomer Women (aka PrimeTime Women™)

By Marti Barletta Portray her as independent – couples can be cliché.  Not all women 50+ have partners.  Show her with a vibrant set of peers.  Girlfriends will become increasingly important if she’s widowed, divorced or single.  Women tend to outlive their husbands and remarry less frequently than men; friendships are key.  Another group she’ll […]

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