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Muse Communications’ “The Best (and Worst) of 2008”

Posted on | January 7, 2009 | 1 Comment

by P. Stockinger
I recently received a link to a newsletter from Courtney Davis at Muse Communications in Belgium (small country, big ideas). Courtney is a member of the Marketing To Women Network Group on LinkedIn, which if you are involved in marketing to women, I urge you to join.

Muse surveyed marketers for their takes on Marketing to Women in 2008.

Here are a couple Universal trends that defined M2W this past year:

Gender Complexity defies stereotypes
The once predictable course of women’s lives has undergone considerable upheaval. Gender is becoming an increasing complex concept. Women are defying feminine stereotypes. They are individuals that define their identities according to their own rules and beyond traditional gender roles. They embrace their femininity yet challenge gender patterns. They redefine established life stages and priorities. Gender complexity and individuality are two key concepts to watch in the coming years.

“Me, my new-old friends and I” – the cyber friendship embrace
Our lives have become so fast and instantaneous that it boggles the mind; with one click our actions can go around the world in a split second. The concept of distance has all but disappeared; we forget where we were mere days ago: which city, which airport, which restaurant, which country? We compensate for our increased feeling of harried isolation by using technology to keep us connected, to create and belong to a colorful hodge-podge community of connections and friends across our lives. In effect, we are helping to redefine the concepts friend, family and community.

Other categories included:

My favorites: The Doghouse! got the thumb’s up.

And a Viral Roadtrip (not necessarily M2W, but definitely VIRAL:


One Response to “Muse Communications’ “The Best (and Worst) of 2008””

  1. Sabine Clappaert
    February 6th, 2009 @ 8:42 am

    Hi Penelope,

    Glad to see you liked our roundup of 2008!

    best regards,

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