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Will Hillary-istas be Happy with SOS?

Posted on | November 30, 2008 | No Comments

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Ok, ok I know we diverged a bit for a marketing journal around election time and did some good ranting with our political views, but I saw this article by Tina Brown in her The Daily Beast, and just had to pass it around.

According to Brown, “The political fate of both Clinton and Palin have left legions of American women rebellious”.  An exclusive Daily Beast poll from today, shows that by an overwhelming 61 percent to 19 percent margin, women believe there is a gender bias in the media. And eight in ten upper-income women say that women have received unequal treatment in politics.

“For a race that was supposed to have broken the glass ceiling, it may just have shown women how hard and resistant that barrier really is. The poll, conducted for The Daily Beast by Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates, clearly documents what most casual observers identified as relatively favorable press treatment for male candidates like Obama and Biden versus an “anything goes” approach against the women running for office.”

Top poll results include:

So, will so called “Hillary’s Army” be assuaged if Hillary accepts the Secretary of State role?  Some will never be satisfied to be sure: Hillary should have got the nomination. She should have been offered the vice presidential slot. But they will probably come to terms with the nomination more readily than being tagged “dead-enders” (as Tina does in her piece). At some point, we all have to just move forward.

Personally, I think its the best job in Washington!

And I will tune back into The Daily Beast! Thank you Tina.


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