Automatic Triggers, Fixed Action Patterns and Odd Number Pricing. Turning Browsers into Buyers
by Tom Polanski Recently, I came across some information about pricing. Researchers at Cornell University believe you’re better off pricing your products with an odd number than with an even number (for example, $39.71 vs. $40.00). The researchers found that odd numbers cause buyers momentary confusion. Confused, people fall back on associations. And people associate […]
One Hit Wonders? Draw No Immediate Conclusions from Marketing to Women Successes
by Andrea Learned We all know that Dove’s marketing to women efforts have raised the bar, in general, but do marketers look to their example too quickly as the “be all and end all of all things marketing to women?” Very possibly. The people behind the Dove campaigns have obviously been doing a great job […]
Real You: Meet Your New Best Friend
By Kaira Sturdivant Rouda It’s here: the new, the improved—the affordable Apple iPhone. Companies have started to develop applications for the iPhone with a software development chip released by Apple. This will allow you to create programs consumers need and want without the feel of “in your face†advertising. Do you hear opportunity ringing? I […]
Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve TrendWatch – Changing Food Shopping Patterns
by Faith Popcorn UNMET NEEDS PRIVATE LABEL AND BRAND NAMES CAN MEET Some consumers are stocking up on sale items, while others prefer to buy a little here, a little there, to make the total bill less painful. Some consumers are stockpiling food items such as rice, meats, and canned soups, to take advantage of […]
Quantum Marketing Theory: Relationships Matter. It’s always about relationships.
by Tom Polanski “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.†– John Wanamaker I think we can all agree that the internet is like a giant calculator. Our ability to track is unparalleled and still, money is wasted by advertisers. In this new economic reality, […]
Get Out Your Blackberry/iPhone/Treo – It’s Time to Shop
Currently, there are three times as many mobile-phone subscribers (3.3 billion) as Internet users (1.3 billion) worldwide, but I bet you’re site’s not set-up to reach all those devices. A couple of weeks after a  survey by Opera showed eBay to be one of the most visited mobile sites,  Cisco released an  E-commerce Study that shows the Mobile […]
How “Green” and a Bad Economy Influence A Woman’s Buying Path
by Andrea Learned I just got back from the local natural grocery store with a bottle of bio-correct bleach, and it made me realize how significantly my personal shopping patterns have changed in the past, say, ten years. While I have long been a vegetable fan, I now take it a bit further, by trying […]
Real You: Female-friendly skies
By Kaira Sturdivant Rouda Several posts ago, I was commenting on the lack of differentiation in the airline industry. Sure, times are tough, but differentiation and targeting are more critical than ever in today’s market. American Airlines®, turns out, gets it. They decided to focus on service, and specifically, servicing their women customers. Brilliant, eh? […]
This Father’s Day Consumers Pinch Pennies
by Robert Pasikoff President of Brand Keys, Inc. A day born in a daughter’s gratitude for her father, has turned into what’s expected to be an $8 billion dollar retail holiday. While it’s typical that not quite as much money is spent on fathers as on mothers, this year’s average anticipated spend is down versus […]
The ConsumHERist – That’s What I Said!
By, Delia Passi When women and men go into a store, they have different ideas of what it takes to make them a satisfied customer – very different ideas. Men are focused pretty much on one thing, getting in and out in the least amount of time with the product they came for. Men are […]
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