Brand promises: The joy of flying and Sun Chips

by Kaira Sturdivant Rouda This morning I was on an airplane for two and a half hours. At the gate. Because a “part” in the bathroom smoke detector wasn’t working. (I sincerely hope the part wasn’t a Double A battery, but who knows. A search of the Airbus site didn’t reveal the inner-workings of the […]

The ConsumHERist

by Delia Passi, Founder of WomenCertified Marketing to women is really a no-brainer. If you want women to buy your product, you must simply create a message that is directed to women. More and more companies are accepting this idea, and it’s truly a step in the right direction. It only stands to reason that […]

Green Steps At Banana Republic: Lessons for All

by Andrea Learned Women are much more likely to notice initiation and baby steps toward better service and more relevancy. Such things are simply a part of their more holistic buying minds. In relationships, for instance, women really do appreciate the garbage-taking-out and sock-picking-up efforts of their partners. In the consumer market, too, women realize […]

My “Happy Meal” made me think…

by Kaira Sturdivant Rouda This was one of those times when my daughter said: “Don’t think about it mom. It’s ok.” What she was referring to, and what I was stewing about, was our latest trip to McDonald’s Don’t get me wrong. I love the golden arches. One of my first advertising agency jobs was […]

At American Airlines, SAFETY IS JOB #257

by Robert Pasikoff Amelia Earhart once noted, “Flying might not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.” Clearly Ms. Earhart had an unusual view of “fun” and had never booked a plane trip on American Airlines. Passengers on American this week found travel not at all plain sailing as […]

BlogHer Survey – Women Love Blogs (Are you surprised?)

Last week I attended BlogHer’s Business Conference in NYC. They opened the conference by releasing a study about women’s passion for blogging. BlogHer partnered with Compass Partners to do a social media benchmark study of more than 6,000 women. They surveyed 1,250 female Internet users via a nationally representative panel, and 5,000 visitors to BlogHer’s […]

The Voice of the Interactive Customer

by Dr. Mary Lou Roberts Marketers know the importance of understanding their customers—listening to the “voice of the customer.” It’s even more crucial in the era of always-on communications and customer-generated content to be constantly in tune with what’s being said about brands wherever and whenever customers congregate. The term “voice of the customer” was […]

By 2012, women will outnumber men online by more than 8 million

Why is that important? Most experts agree women began outnumbering men online in 2007. The numbers will continue to grow. It’s another indicator of the amazing power of women as consumers and in business today. In my book, Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs, I spend a lot of time making sure women […]

Another Vote for Vertical Networks, The Problem with “Free”- and more from around the web

How To Make Proper Use Of Ad Networks, is a nice piece by Cory Treffiletti, written for Media Post warning that most media planners are using ad networks incorrectly and therefore inefficiently. Cory writes there are basically 3 types of network; the general networks – like Valueclick, Tribal Fusion, the behavioral networks – Blue Lithium, […]

“Women Are The Best Index of the Coming Hour”

by Andrea Learned American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote this oft-repeated observation, and I’ve used it as a tagline of sorts, since founding Learned On Women in 2004. As socio-anthropologist and author Helen Fisher observed in her book, The First Sex: he “correctly discerned another feminine faculty related to web thinking [Fisher’s description of how […]

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