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Customer Parking

Posted on | April 23, 2008 | No Comments

Reaching Women Daily Update: We are working with several new companies who empower women to grow their business. Please check out their website here To get more information about their business.

by Delia Passi

“Attention store managers: New practices will be put in effect immediately to ensure the shopping satisfaction of our male customers. First, the two parking spaces that are closest to the door will henceforth be designated as “Men Only” parking spaces. In addition, all male customers will be entitled to jump one space in line at any cash register.”

In all seriousness, it certainly wouldn’t be prudent to designate male parking spaces, as women appreciate a good parking spot too. It’s just not as high of a priority for them as it is for most men, who would absolutely love it if there were special parking for impatient males. You see, men are what I like to call hit and run shoppers—or maybe even “drive thru” shoppers; they want to get in and out fast. According to a recent study we conducted along with the Wharton School, men seek quick solutions, while women appreciate options. Women, in contrast, are more like “fine dining” shoppers. They want to sip some wine while they scrutinize the menu, get to know their server, and take a peek at what other people are having before making their choice.

Sure, it’s nice to consider spoiling every customer, and according to the study, those two key changes would address men’s most important criteria in choosing a store. Well, the truth is, women constitute the vast majority (88%) of retail customers, so we have to have ample room for them to park as well!

Because women have such extensive purchasing power, we also need to address their top criteria for choosing a store. This will include increased sensitivity, more individual attention, deeper respect, better communication, and, above all, keep your eyes above the collar bone – unless of course she is buying shoes.

The special touches and customer service practices that will please your women customers will also please your male customers. Basically, you have to learn to sell to the more particular customer. So, if you train your sales people in the practices that will please the all important woman customer, you’ll find that you’ll do more business with men as well – even if he’s got to walk a few extra feet.

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