Green Steps At Banana Republic: Lessons for All
Posted on | April 13, 2008 | 1 Comment
by Andrea Learned
Women are much more likely to notice initiation and baby steps toward better service and more relevancy. Such things are simply a part of their more holistic buying minds. In relationships, for instance, women really do appreciate the garbage-taking-out and sock-picking-up efforts of their partners. In the consumer market, too, women realize that brands can’t change ad campaigns or their social responsibility practices overnight – but they definitely get points for even beginning to take steps in that direction!
Eco-responsibility is the most current and exciting realm where women are noticing what brands are doing, and how they are going about it. For instance, I recently received notice of Banana Republic’s “Greener Cities 1% At A Time” campaign along with my monthly statement, and then a day later read more about the woman behind that brand’s more eco-aware approach in the May issue of Elle. In that piece, Alessandra Brunialti, vice president of women’s design, says something from which pretty much any brand could learn:
“One step at a time. We are carefully choosing the ways we can make a difference. We don’t want to be one of those companies that claim they’re ‘green’ without doing the work. It’s going to be a gradual progression.”
It is all about the subtleties and nuances. Women will notice what BR is doing, and they will also notice if the grocery store stops using plastic bags, or if an electronics brand sponsors environmentally-related events, or if a toy retailer closes a few brick and mortar locations to reduce their overall carbon footprint. Not every woman, everywhere, will notice such things – mind you, but those that do will be the same women who will then tell others about this cool thing Brand X is starting to do.
Remember the good old tortoise and the hare story? Time and commitment may sound onerous in this “I want it now” era, but that’s the thing – those brands that resist speeding a snazzy “green campaign” to market (only to get all tuckered out before the finish line), and instead slowly identify and make smaller changes toward that goal, will win hearts and minds.
So you can’t immediately make your headquarters into an eco-architecture dream? That’s fine. Or, you can’t quickly figure out ways to decrease all of the shipping to and fro that goes on in your business? That’s fine, too. But, you do have to act interested – and start in on that process NOW.
Ms. Brunialti’s Banana Republic efforts are doing just that. As the “1% At A Time” announcement says:
“This Earth Week initiative is the first step towards our $1 million commitment to The Trust for Public Land.”
First steps can’t be disregarded. Women will notice them. And, green steps – especially – are worth taking today.
Tags: Andrea Learned > banana republic > green marketing > marketing to women
One Response to “Green Steps At Banana Republic: Lessons for All”
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June 30th, 2008 @ 12:37 am
[…] them with insensitive and manipulative advertising. The Banana Republic environmental campaign that Andrea Learned wrote about earlier in the spring is a good example of a real and meaningful commitment and a […]