Flip-It – Girls React to Bad Ads
Posted on | November 30, 2007 | No Comments
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Thank you Holly! for bringing these video’s to our attention – they are poignant testimonials to how many advertisers are not connecting with their young female audiences. Holly Buchanen writes on her blog – Marketing to Women Online – about Flip-it:
Flip It is the brain child of Heidi Dangelmaier and the team at 3iying. I’ve been really intrigued by 3iying and some of their innovative approaches to marketing to girls 15-25. So how did Flip It come about?Marketers targeting girls think they’re doing a good job. They don’t understand the extent of the disconnect that exists between girls 15-25 and the companies who are trying to reach them.Being the super smart person she is, Heidi decided that instead of trying to tell them about the problem, she’d let the girls speak for themselves.The result is Flip It. It started with a couple of girls around the office, but grew into a landslide of videos from girls who jumped at the chance to let marketers know just how off the mark they are.
Don’t miss these!! click for just a smattering of the videos:What do “flippy” and “girl power” mean? that your product like your lingo are outdated? Who is the blame for rape?What does Sex have to do with saving the environment? Are you telling us pregnancy is ugly?Are you using sex to sell to 10 year olds?I think what these bright girls are really saying is:Please don’t insult my intelligence!It would also be great to see ads which were not Flipped! and why they work.Read even more at GrokDotCom and AdAge (if you are reading us you must be a subscriber)
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