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Fish Where the Fish Are

Posted on | November 25, 2007 | No Comments

Reaching Women Daily Blog Tips: Do you have a small business And need to improve your cash flow? Are you tired of paying high rates and high fees for services? If so please go to this website And get more service information on how you can reduce your costs and improve your profits.

It is true today that a great deal of the content we all consume comes to us and not the other way around. With the rapid growth of social media, widgets and other types of content sharing comunitites and tools, its getting harder and harder to drive traffic to branded sites, and this includes the micro-site. Considered by some brands like Coke to be part of the “old-model” of online marketing, micro-sites may not yet be extinct, but they are taking a back-seat to more engaging types of platforms. If you are having a hard time knowing where to spend your online budget, consider some of the advice and tips in’s – Is Social Media Killing the Campaign Microsite.

And when considering which social network(s) to include in your media mix, you may want to look beyond the obvious Facebook and MySpace. There are several lists out there, from very international overview on Wikipedia, to the Top Social Networks of 2006 (2007 is not over yet). For some slightly more current tips, Brandsizzle compiles a short list of alternatives, including a few not-so-obvious verticals as well as some spaces for the parents of Gen X & Y. And if this is not enough there is even a list of the 10 Most Beautiful Social Networks.



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