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Wish I had said it too…

Posted on | November 20, 2007 | No Comments

Women Entrepreneur Tip: We have partnered with several companies that help you get cash for your business, or process credit cards, or ATM services. There are several options available please visit their website to get more information on how they can grow your women-owned business.

Ok, I just had to LOL when I saw this from a few days ago, posted by Alison Byrne Fields in her We’ll Know When We Get There blog. Alison credits “the greats minds at threebillion” for the original post, so here goes.


I am not trying to sound cynical, its just that I have been spending a lot of time trying to wear the hat of a Gen Y content consumer lately – particularly for the mobile space. Everywhere I go, everyone I speak with – even panelists at the recent AdTech in New York, tend to go on and on about this demographic as though they were supreme beings, basking in coolness which we marketing professionals (generally over the age of 30) could never possibly hope to understand. So, even know the source post is heavy on opinion and light on stats, this is fun tongue-in-cheek food-for-thought for all those baffled marketers who are mystified by the youth generations. They are no more mysterious than any other demographic and yes, we can all come up with great ways to engage and entertain them. I think this warrants a longer post in the future on the subject.


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