Channel V Media – on Purse Strings today 3pm EST – tune in
Posted on | December 4, 2012 | No Comments
Women Business Owners: Take a look at this small business solutions provider That is geared towards women owned businesses and can help them reduce their costs and grow their business with great customer service and responsive team that caters to your needs. we highly recommend what they offer.
Today on PurseStrings, I”ll be speaking with Gretel Going — Gretel co-founded Channel V Media in 2008 with the goal of building a company that thrives on change, offers multiple solutions to any single problem, and takes advantage of all communication and technology channels to extend the reach of compelling information. She now leads Channel V Media’s continual evolution and growth initiatives. When not lighting fires and experimenting with new tactics, Gretel oversees lead-generation, mobile, website, and content strategies for CVM’s b2b and b2c clients.
We’ll be talking about integrated marketing to reach women.
– Maria Reitan
Don’t Make these Career Mistakes – Purse Strings – LIVE
Posted on | October 30, 2012 | No Comments
Reaching Women Daily Blog Tips: Do you have a small business And need to improve your cash flow? Are you tired of paying high rates and high fees for services? If so please go to this website And get more service information on how you can reduce your costs and improve your profits.
Join Maria Reitan as she talks with Joy Hazucha about mistakes women make in their career development. Joy Hazucha is SVP, Leadership Research at PDI Ninth House, a premier global leadership solutions company.
Due to “Hurricane Sandy” please find the show via this link today.
The End of Men and the Rise of Women – Purse Strings – 3pm EDT today – right here – LIVE
Posted on | October 10, 2012 | No Comments
Reaching Women Daily Resources: We are happy To let you know about new services and products that come our way that can enhance women entrepreneurs. See this website for more information on how they can enable you to grow your business successfully and enhance your cash flow with lower fees and rates.
Today on PurseStrings I will be speaking with Hanna Rosin — she’s the author of The End of Men and The Rise of Women. She runs the Double X women’s site, part of Slate magazine, and is also a writer for The Atlantic. She shares how women’s rise of power is creating issues among genders.
– Maria Reitan, “digital marketing to women” – Purse Strings – 3pm EDT – Today!
Posted on | October 2, 2012 | No Comments
Reaching Women Resource: Please See this online company That offers services to small businesses like yours. They have multiple services available that are great at growing women owned small businesses. See the service provider here.
On the show today, I’ll be speaking with Lolita Carrico, founder of She’s the original founder of We’ll be talking about digital media and it’s effects on marketing to women.
– Maria Reitan
Purse Strings – Launching Niche Products on a Shoestring Budget
Posted on | September 25, 2012 | No Comments
Reaching Women Resource: Please See this online company That offers services to small businesses like yours. They have multiple services available that are great at growing women owned small businesses. See the service provider here.
Show correction this week.
Dear listeners, we apologize for the error in our episode listing for this week. The show for this week featured Jennifer Letscher, the Founder of Skweet. Jennifer created Skweet, a Sport Bottle Wash which cleans your bottles using only all natural, non-toxic ingredients. During the show Jennifer gave her insights into launching niche projects on a shoestring budget. – Here is the podcast (will open in a new window).
Tags: digital media > marketing to women > > PurseStrings
PurseStrings – Kerry Patterson helps you “Change Anything”
Posted on | September 18, 2012 | No Comments
Women Business Owners: Take a look at this small business solutions provider That is geared towards women owned businesses and can help them reduce their costs and grow their business with great customer service and responsive team that caters to your needs. we highly recommend what they offer.
Thank you Maria for a great show. For those of you who could not tune in, show host, Maria Reitan kicked off this episode of Purse Strings with highlights from recent studies about the rise of single mothers, and why marketers should pay close attention to them.
Then she spoke with Kerry Patterson, co-founder of Vital Smarts and author of “Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success.” Kerry shared how employees — women specifically — can move up the corporate ladder quicker through change techniques that he articulates in his book. Very interesting stuff.
Stay tuned as I post the podcast link as soon as its available on And tune in next week for our next episode of Purse Strings with Maria Reitan, every Tuesday at 3pm Eastern.
Gail Evans on Women in the Workplace – Purse Strings 3pm EST – right here
Posted on | December 6, 2011 | No Comments
Women Business Owners: Take a look at this small business solutions provider That is geared towards women owned businesses and can help them reduce their costs and grow their business with great customer service and responsive team that caters to your needs. we highly recommend what they offer.
Gail Evans is the best selling author of “Play Like A Man Win Like A Woman” and “She Wins, You Win.”
Evans’ career is vast, beginning in government and culminating as the Executive Vice President of CNN. Evans began working with CNN at its inception in 1980 and was promoted to Executive Vice President for CNN in 1996. In September 2000, Evans was named to Executive Vice President of Domestic Networks for the CNN Newsgroup. Evans retired from CNN in the summer of 2001.
Evans worked at the White House in the Office of the Special Counsel to the President during the Lyndon B. Johnson Administration and was instrumental in the creation of the president’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and the 1966 Civil Rights Act. Evans was appointed by President Clinton to the Commission on White House Fellows.
We will discuss women in the workplace challenges and potential solutions.
Influence: Women’s Soaring Economic Power – Purse Strings 11/29 3pm EST – right here
Posted on | November 28, 2011 | No Comments
Reaching Women Daily Resources: We are happy To let you know about new services and products that come our way that can enhance women entrepreneurs. See this website for more information on how they can enable you to grow your business successfully and enhance your cash flow with lower fees and rates.
Tomorrow I speak with Maddy Dychtwald who is a nationally recognized author, public speaker, marketing executive and entrepreneur. She has spent nearly twenty-five years deeply involved in exploring and forecasting demographic, lifestyle and consumer marketing trends. In 1986, she co-founded Age Wave, with her husband, Ken.
Maddy is the author of three books: her newest book is entitled Influence: How Women’s Soaring Economic Power Will Transform Our World for the Better (May 2010). We’ll be talking about the transfer of fiscal power and whether women are ready or not.
NBC Universal – on Target Programming for Women – PurseStrings @3pm EST – right here
Posted on | November 14, 2011 | No Comments
Reaching Women Daily Update: We are working with several new companies who empower women to grow their business. Please check out their website here To get more information about their business.
Tuesday on PurseStrings, I’ll be speaking with Maryam Banikarim, senior VP of NBC Universal Integrated Marketing, the group that spearheads targeted cross-platform media initiatives. She’ll share what exciting things NBC Universal is doing to connect with women and ensure their programming is on target.
Google – Zero Moment of Truth – Purse Strings – 3pm EDT – Nov 1st
Posted on | November 1, 2011 | No Comments
Reaching Women Daily Resources: We are happy To let you know about new services and products that come our way that can enhance women entrepreneurs. See this website for more information on how they can enable you to grow your business successfully and enhance your cash flow with lower fees and rates.
Tuesday on Purse Strings, Maria will be discussing the Zero Moment of Truth with the show’s guest, Jim Lecinski, Managing Director of U.S. Sales and Service for Google. Jim recently penned the e-book, Winning the Zero Moment of Truth.